(TheNicheReport) ? In previous articles, we?ve been discussing the use of social media sites (like LinkedIn, YouTube, and Facebook) to get exposure, connect with your target audience and ultimately generate leads.?? After consulting with dozens of Real Estate Agents and Loan Officers, what I?ve found was that they were all so busy using the techniques to get new traffic and positioning themselves as the expert, that they forgot the main reason why we do any of this. ?What is the true value in any business?? Well, it?s my goal to make sure that by the time you finish this article, you will have a new appreciation for what I?m talking about, which is?. List building. The only real asset in any business is the list ? lists of prospects, lists of clients, lists of JV Partners, etc.
Let?s get this straight out in the open right now, because I know that some of you are thinking it.? I?m not talking about buying a list of prospect buyers (cold leads), calling it your list, and spamming them with your emails.? I?m talking about building your own list of people who have raised their hands and given you permission to email, contact and market to them.? There is a huge difference between a cold list of leads and a warm list of people that already know, like and trust you!
A few days ago, I received an email newsletter from a Loan Officer with all kinds of mortgage rates, statistics and graphs.? It was very boring and had no personality whatsoever, but that?s another issue.? The problem now is that I don?t remember giving this person permission to put me on his mailing list.? I?m not even interested in buying a house anytime soon. ?I was wondering how he got my information.? Then I remembered I was giving a presentation at his company a few months ago so he must have picked up my card at that event.
Do you think I?m the only one receiving these emails from him?? Am I the only one with this same reaction?? Absolutely not!? More importantly, are you guilty of doing something similar to this?? It?s ok?. After today, you will be armed with some very cool techniques and ways of building your list the right way.
The first thing you should do is define your market.? Who do you want to attract to your list?? Do you want to attract home buyers?? Referral Partners?? You can attract both; it?s just a matter of having them on different lists and different follow-up sequences.? Obviously, you?re not going to talk to them the same way.? Let?s take this one step further.? Exactly which type of ?home buyer? will you be targeting?? Your conversations, tone and relevant content will be extremely different depending on if you are targeting first-time home buyers, investors, affluent buyers, etc. ?Do you see why having a targeted niche is a very important step in this process?
So, with that in mind, who is your ideal client?? What types of loans do you specialize in?? This is critical to know before you start building your list.? If you have a broad target, your message will be general and will not resonate with ANY of your prospects ? simply because they will sense that you?re not talking directly to them.? When your message is broad, it loses a lot of power.? You actually give the illusion that you don?t know enough about your audience and their particular needs.
Think of it like this. If you have an eye problem, would you go to your family doctor, or to an optometrist because you believe that he specializes in your particular needs?? Do you see my point? Now that we know whom we are targeting, we need to get them onto our list so that we can follow up with them until they buy. Once that happens you can move them onto a different list, where you will be communicating with them differently in order to get them to send you a referral or become a repeat customer.
In order for you to build your list, you need four critical elements:
- Traffic
- Landing Page (also called Squeeze Page)
- Offer
- Auto-Responder
Let?s break these down piece by piece and go over them in more detail.?
TRAFFIC ? This is NOT an easy subject to discuss in one article.? There are entire home study courses devoted to traffic generation.? If you could choose one subject to become a master at, choose traffic.? Because once you master it, you are set up for success!? Here are a few things you can start doing immediately to generate more traffic to your list-building page:
- You can write articles and?embed a link to your opt-in page where people will give you their info to learn more about that subject.
- If you have a WordPress?blog, there is a great plug-in that allows people to get onto your list?when they want to leave a comment.? This plug-in is called www.optincomments.com and it will integrate with most auto-responders.
- You can also enable Facebook Comments on your blog, which will help your blog go viral.? If a visitor is logged into Facebook?(most people are always logged into Facebook when they?re online), all of?his connections will see the interaction.
- A great way to build your list is through webinars.? Hold a?webinar educating your prospects about the home-buying process and what to?look out for.? Guess what the?webinar registration page is? It?s basically a page with an opt-in form,?to capture the registrant?s info.?Later you can export that list and import it into your?auto-responder.
- Here?s a cool tip: Get a?referral partner to do an expert interview on your webinar. Let?s say that?you want to educate people on how to boost their credit score to qualify?for a house with better rates.? Find?a credit repair expert who has a list and ask him to send an email blast?to his list, directing them to the webinar registration page.? Once they register, you own that?list.? So, not only are you bringing?value to your existing list, you are growing your list and also giving exposure?to the credit repair guy and positioning him as an expert in both lists?(yours and his).
- YouTube ? In a previous article,?we?ve talked about how you can include a call to action in your videos and?how you can add a live link that will direct your viewers to your webinar,?blog or landing page.? Make sure to?review that article for more ideas.
- Twitter ? You can create a?greeting message that will be sent automatically to your new?followers.? Make sure to put a link?to your landing page with a brief description of your offer.? If your followers are interested, they?will click on the link.? From time to time tweet about? your free offer?and include a link to it.
- LinkedIn ? A few months?ago, we talked about how you can use LinkedIn to grow your business.? I will not be able to talk about all of?the ways you can use LinkedIn to drive traffic to your landing page, but a?very easy one is to just list the URL of your landing page as your website?on your LinkedIn profile and call it something like ?7 Mistakes Home?Buyers Make.? Please review the LinkedIn article for more cool strategies!
- Facebook ? The last two?months I?ve been writing about Facebook Ads and how to use them to get?your perfect, targeted leads.?? Please?review both of the last two articles for more tips.
LANDING PAGE ? The one and only job of this landing page is to get the visitor to give you their name and email address, or sometimes just their email address (the less you ask of them, the more likely you will get it).? We will have time later to extract all kinds of information that we will need from them as we go, but for now we just need the minimum that will allow us to initiate the conversation.
This landing page must have several important elements:
- Opt-in form ? This is the?box where the visitors will put their names and email addresses.
- Powerful headline.? This should be a compelling headline and?should match your ad.? Let?s say you?are using Facebook Ads to drive traffic to this page; whatever title or headline?you had in the Facebook Ad should be present in the landing page.? The same with the image of the ad.? A lot of people complain about low?opt-in rates, once the visitors get to their landing page.? A big part of that is due to the landing page not matching with the ad.
- Privacy policy and terms?of service ? You also want your landing page to be Google friendly.? If you?re gathering people?s information, you have to have a ?privacy policy?, especially If you?re?driving traffic to that page from Google Ads ? otherwise you will be?violating their terms of service.
OFFER ? What are you going to give your visitors in exchange for their name and email address? This should be something of value that they really need or want.?? Going back to your market, if you really know who they are, you will know what to present to them that will be a ?no brainer? for them to opt-in.
- Include an image of what?you?re giving away.? People are?visual, and showing them a nice picture of your offer will give it more?perceived value.? You can offer them a downloable PDF, MP3, CD or video.??Again, the offer has to be of value to your target prospects.
AUTORESPONDER ? You have several companies to choose from such as iContact, Infusionsoft, AWeber, Mail Chimp, and many others.? I personally use AWeber, they are perfect for what my company needs.
I know this is a lot to cover in this short space.? Please spend some time growing, segregating and nurturing your lists!
Please send me any questions or comments to chaibia@cssocialmedia.com . I will answer every one that I receive!
Chaibia Sarhrou
Chaibia Sarhrou is the Founder of CS Social Media, an Online & Social Media Marketing company specializing in online lead generation. ?Chaibia consults with Top Producing Real Estate & Mortgage Professionals to help them set up and monetize their online & social media presence.? Also, she regularly speaks at Mortgage & Real Estate Companies to educate them on using the internet to grow their business. ? ?
Sign up for Chaibia?s FREE Webinar on ?Powerful List Building Strategies Every Realtor & LO MUST Know.? Go to: www.cssocialmedia.com/listbuilding NOW and sign up!
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