রবিবার, ২৯ এপ্রিল, ২০১২

Mysterious faces | The Ferris State Torch

The cur?rent Rankin Art Gallery exhibit, ?Visionaries and Malcontents,? fea?tures oil paint?ings with titles that give small hints to whom the paint?ings?feature.

Thomas Post, cre?ator of the paint?ings and pro?fes?sor of paint?ing and fine arts at Kendall College, doesn?t want peo?ple to eas?ily iden?tify who?s?who.

?I didn?t want to lay it out there; I?just give lit?tle clues?just a?sound bite in the title to make it more intrigu?ing,? Post said. ?People ask me all the time who are in my paint?ings. When you?re given the answer all the time, it?s easy to pass through. I?want peo?ple to see the?layers.?

Post has been a?pro?fes?sor at Kendall for three years. He first became inter?ested in art in ele?men?tary school. His pas?sion for fine arts con?tin?ued through high school and into col?lege. He cre?ates his art?work at a?stu?dio at Kendall where stu?dents can stop in and chat with him while he?s cre?at?ing mas?ter?pieces. Paintings exhi?bi?tion took any?where from two and a?half weeks to a?month. His favorite medium to work with is?oil.

?I like the ver?sa?til?ity of it [oil],? Post said. ?It can be very strong and opaque or sub?tle and trans?par?ent. The sur?faces are very lush, deep and beau?ti?ful. You can con?trol the depth and lay?er?ing. People under?stand there?s mul?ti?ple lay?ers and spa?tial relationships.?

The inspi?ra?tion for these paint?ings came from one of Post?s pre?vi?ous series of paint?ings fea?tur?ing nor?mal objects painted in Andy Warhol col?ors. This evolved into paint?ing celebri?ties as ?almost objects.? Post wanted to play on the idea of the way peo?ple objec?tify their?heroes.

?The heroic aspect of paint?ings is per?sonal to me. Those fea?tured in my art?work have per?sonal ref?er?ences to me and my work,? Post?said.

One of Post?s favorite paint?ings is enti?tled ?There? and depicts Sonic Youth?s singer and gui?tarist Thurston Moore. Post shed some light on the mean?ing behind the?title.

?In one of his solo record?ings, Moore made a?home?made record?ing of him?self at the age of 13. In it, he recorded dif?fer?ent sounds he made with var?i?ous objects, such as snip?ping scis?sors or tap?ping pen?cils,? Post said. ?At the end of each sound episode, Moore would say ?there.? It acted as a?punc?tu?a?tion mark between noises.?

The rest of Post?s titles and paint?ings view?ers will have to piece together on their?own.

The Rankin Art Gallery is fea?tur?ing Post?s work until April?28.


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